Daniel Goyone
Since 35 years, Daniel Goyone has developed a very personal composer’s universe, far removed from the usual musical classifications.
As a pianist coming from the jazz world (records with Bunny Brunel with the participation of Chick Corea among others), with Latin American (Cuban and Brazilian) and Indian (a long collaboration with the percussionist Trilok Gurtu) influences, Daniel Goyone’s music owes much to melody, writing and a thorough study of modal and rhythmic cycles.
The particular nature of this music explains why it has been widely interpreted by singers such as Claude Nougaro, jazz bands like the Orchestre National de Jazz, or Chamber Orchestras.
It has frequently featured in radio and television jingles, in movies and in the theatre.
Daniel Goyone is also recognized as a pioneer of teaching methods by extending jazz education to other fields as practice of rhythm, use of modes and scales and composing.

Daniel Goyone (Cream records 1982)
Goyone 2 ( Label Bleu 1986)
Third Time ( Label Bleu 1989)
Lueurs Bleues ( Label Bleu 1993)
Il y a de l’Orange dans le Bleu ( Label Bleu 1995)
Haute Mer ( Label Bleu 1999)
Etranges Manèges (CC Production 2004)
Goyone Blues ( Hevhetia 2014)
French Keys (InOuïe 2018)

In the Press
Il est un paradoxe savoureux dans l’art de Daniel Goyone: l’on se prend à vouloir fredonner ses mélodies, en dépit d’une complexité réelle. (Jazz Hot)
“There is a delicious paradox in Daniel Goyone’s art : We find ourselves wanting to hum his melodies despite their obvious complexity.” (Jazz Hot)
Une musique rêveuse et nostalgique, comme tendue vers un rêve de réconciliation: le jazz et le classique français, l’outrance intellectuelle et la naïveté romantique, le populaire et l’élitiste. (Le Figaro)
“A nostalgic and dreamy music aiming to reconcile opposing forces: jazz and French classical music, overwhelming intellectualism and romantic naivety, the popular and the elite.” (Le Figaro)
Une exigence extrême au niveau de la conception associée à une fluidité d’exécution totale. (Piano Magazine)
“Extremely demanding on a conceptual level – seamlessly executed. (Piano Magazine)
S’il fallait résumer mon approche de la composition : harmoniser les rythmes et rythmer les harmonies pour susciter des mélodies originales (Daniel Goyone)
“If I were to summarise my idea of a composer: harmonize the rhythms and rhythm the harmonies to stimulate melodic inspiration.” (Daniel Goyone)

— Le langage de l’Improvisation (french text), Musicom 1993 / 1999
— Rythmes (french text), Editions Outre Mesure 1999 / 2002 / 2007
— Les Cahiers du Rythme Vol. 1, 2 & 3 (french text), Editions Outre Mesure 2008
— Abécédaire de la Composition (french text), Editions Outre Mesure 2012
Sheet Music
— Sélection de Compositions pour piano (Label Bleu)
— Mermaids (for 2 marimbas) : Editions Dhalmann 2010
— Goyone Blues : dowload at https://www.planetepartitions.